Keynote Panel
Transnational “Others”: Ethnic Minorities, Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers and Refugees This panel investigates the lives of four transnational subjects – ethnic minorities, migrant workers, asylum seekers and refugees – who lack comprehensive formal rights and access to such rights due to the discrimination they face from the majority ethnic Chinese population. The panellists include Eni Lestari, an Indonesian migrant domestic worker and Chairperson of the International Migrant Alliance, Jeffrey Andrews, the first Indian social worker in Hong Kong working with asylum seekers and refugees, and Anna Tsui, the Hong Kong Chinese co-founder of the CIC Detainees’ Rights Concern Group. How transnational subjects shape Hong Kong’s cosmopolitan character and provide a blueprint for glocal citizenship through civic engagement will be explored. Speakers
April 11 (Sun)
11:00–12:00 (GMT+1) 18:00–19:00 (GMT+8) |