Dr Rico Chan is a social designer who explores the relationships between people, technology and the visual environment. In 2016, Rico founded Beyond Vision Projects, a Hong Kong and San Francisco based social enterprise/NGO that aims to enhance the quality of life for the visually impaired by focusing on education, social inclusiveness, equal accessibility and employment opportunities. Rico, as the CEO of Beyond Vision Projects, and his team invented the Tactile-Audio Interaction System (TAIS), a multisensory interactive platform for the visually impaired to "SEE" and experience art through the synchronization of touch and sound. In 2018 and 2019, the Tactile Visual Vocabulary System (TVVS) and Tactile Colour System (TCS) were launched, providing visually impaired students an assistive educational learning system to overcome barriers in learning the visual information in textbooks and their living environment. Rico believes that art and culture inspire us, bring us together, and teach us about who we are and the world we live in, despite differences in age, gender, race or physical impairments – in short, that art and culture are for all, everyone deserves to see! |
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